Sunday 22 November 2020 
10.15 am

Worship on the Festival of Christ the King 

The anniversary year begins! 

A service of the Word filmed in the newly-decorated church launches our anniversary year with sermon from special guest preacher, former Crowton vicar, Father Neill Robb. 

Online from the NCK website here at 10.15 am and any time afterwards. To watch after the initial streaming you may need to go to the previous services page.

In these times of a global pandemic we are being creative in our worship as in many other aspects of life. The risk assessment for our little parish church concluded that, to comply with social distancing regulations, and more importantly, to keep everyone as safe as possible, we can for the moment only invite a very small number of people to be together inside the church building at any one time.

So, rather than exclude anyone from this very special act of worship at the beginning of our anniversary year, we are filming the service so that everyone who wishes to join in can do so, online, on the Festival of Christ the King. Consistent with our anniversary theme, Growing in Faith, this special service of the Word will look back with love and respect to the generations who have worshipped in Crowton in decades gone by, and forward with hope to the generations we trust will continue to worship here in future.

Father Neill was vicar of Crowton, Norley and Kingsley at the time of the 125th anniversary, back in 1996. A lot of water has flown under bridges in the intervening 25 years, not least for Father Neill, who is now an ordained priest in the Roman Catholic church. We are delighted to welcome him back to preach in our community once more. 

View the 
anniversary service here