Sunday 9 May 2021 (Rogationtide)
10.00 am – 5.00 pm
Christ Church, Crowton

Thanksgiving Day & Growing in Faith Children’s Art Exhibition

Refreshments; church registers and parish records available to view

Thanksgiving service in church
10.00 – c. 11.00 am

Rogationtide is the point in the church year when, 150 years ago, our Victorian forebears would have ‘beaten the bounds of the parish’, walking together around the entire perimeter of the parish of Crowton, giving thanks to God for the land and other resources, looking back on the year past, and looking forward to the year ahead.

On Rogationtide in this special anniversary year we invite you to refresh your memories of Christ Church, Crowton. Perhaps you grew up in the village and came to Sunday School here? Or maybe you attended the church-aided school along the road, and came into church for special festivals?

Perhaps you have stories or photos to share and upload to our Crowton Story archive? Were you or your children baptised here? Did you or others in your family get married at Christ Church? Perhaps you have cherished memories of dear departed relatives or friends now laid to rest in the church yard.

Whatever the part Christ Church, Crowton, has played in your life so far, come and renew your acquaintance with the church and its worshipping community, give thanks for its continuing presence and ministry in our community today and meet our new vicar, Rev Canon Ron Iveson.

Christ Church, Crowton is a COVID-19 secure venue. On arrival, please scan the QR code with your NHS Test and Trace app, or ensure your details are recorded. Please use the hand sanitizer provided and wear a face covering correctly at all times when in the building. Please observe social distancing outside and inside the church. Depending on numbers of visitors you may be asked to wait for a short time before entering. Please pass through the building only in the direction marked. You are invited to sit wherever a free seat is indicated and stay for as long as you wish.