Saturday 11 September 2021
7.00pm for 7.30 pm
Village Hall, Crowton

Alice’s Quest for Wonderland: Down the Rabbit Hole with Lewis Carroll

Discover the true story of the famous Daresbury children’s author and his relationship with the real Alice. In this exciting new play, journey down the rabbit hole to find out more about Lewis Carroll’s fascinating double life.

Written and directed by award-winning Crowton playwright, Lynn Pegler and performed by James Partington, Simon Hetherington and Lynn Pegler.

This play was due to have been premièred at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2020: thanks to coronavirus the production will be premiered in 2021 instead, including a performance here in Crowton!

Suitable for ages 12+. Running time: one hour. Soft drink and jam tart included!  Bring your own alcoholic beverage if you wish.

Tickets £10, on sale from August.