As part of our 150th anniversary celebrations we are refurbishing the church interior so that it will be a welcoming place for the next 150 years.  

This year we will redecorate the church, install comfortable seat cushions and enhance the sound system for ease of use, not least by our church-aided primary school.  We have also commissioned a local artist to lead the whole community in creating the Christ Church Crowton Collage.  

We will be delighted with any contribution you feel able to offer.

We can now accept most methods of payment - see below.

Thank you so much.

Payment  types

Credit card

If you would like to make a donation towards Crowton150 you can pay by credit card here.  You will be asked if you would like to boost your donation with Gift Aid

Bank transfer

Or you can make a transfer direct to our bank account:

Crowton Christ Church Parochial Church Council
Barclays Account Number 00303429
Sort Code 20-24-09

It will help us to know what the payment is about if you could use Crowton150 as a reference.

If you are a UK taxpayer it would boost your gift by 25% if you download and complete the Gift Aid form from the link below and email it to


If you wish to pay by cheque please make it payable to Christ Church Crowton and send to our Treasurer, Lesley Carding
15 Farm Road
If you are a UK taxpayer it would boost your gift by 25% if you download and complete the Gift Aid form from the link below and email it to